Tools #
Guides #
Low hanging (cumulus/cumulonimbus) clouds with high humid warm air indicates unstable weather.
- Unstable wind, high chance of rain, thunder, storm... not good for kiting.
Pressure #
The wind always blows from a HIGH -> LOW pressure zone 15 knots in HIGH pressure is stronger than 15 knots in LOW pressure.
Low Pressure #
unstable wind, unpredictable, harder jumps
- warm air
- cloudy
- high humidity (rain)
- unstable wind & weather
- harder to jump
High Pressure #
stable wind, lots of power, higher jumps
- cold air
- clear sky
- sunny
- small amount of clouds
- stable dense wind
- high jumps
Clouds #
Cumulonimbus (cold front) (blue line with triangles) #
unpredicatable and dangerous cloud
- Blue line with spikes (meteo forecast)
- Forms when you are in a low pressure zone, and that warm air is being pushed up (cooled down) by a high pressure zone.
- This means unstable weather
- Wind might fall and come up strong again.
- Rain, thunder, storm all the good stuff.
- Try to avoid this weather for kiting.
- Can suck you in as a kiter.
- Storm lasts 30 min - 2 hours and after it will be a clear sky.
- Can reach 12km high and moves quickly ![[Pasted image 20230711203505.png]]
Nimbustratus (warm front) (red line with halves) #
might rain for days
- Low middle cloud.
- Super dark.
- Moves very slowly.